Ten More Things About Me

Relevant or not, I figured today was a good day to share a bit more about me. Why? Because it's HARD! As a coach, I love to listen and ask questions, but I know part of creating trust and rapport is opening up and sharing about myself as well. The last time I shared ten things about me I learned a bit more about all of you! So I thought I'd play this little game again and see what comes up. Here are ten little things, relevant or not, that I'm happy to share with you. 

1. I played the tuba when I was in middle school 

As a person on the smaller side, I was attracted to making lots of noise with a big instrument. At my school, if you wanted to play the tuba, you had to start with the trumpet. I did become mildly attached to the trumpet and considered sticking with it, but in the end, the appeal of having the biggest instrument in the band was too powerful. Fortunately or unfortunately, there were two tubas in a band of just 20-some people (alongside about 12 flute players), so the other tuba and I were often banished to our own band room to practice together. When we had concerts, the bandleader would carry the tuba out on stage for me because it was too heavy for me. I didn't get very far in my tuba mastery and gave it up before high school. 

2. I’m mildly scared of heights 

I had a colleague who once said, ‘You’re not scared of heights, you’re scared of falling.” That is probably quite accurate. It doesn’t stop me from doing things like bungee jumping or hiking up mountains or peering over edges, but if I’m on an unsteady ladder or wooden bird watching tower in Mexico that shakes with each step, well, I don’t enjoy it. 

3. My body errs on the side of cold. 

Which means I don’t like the winter. I put wool inserts in my shoes and constantly wear a scarf. I’ve adopted a grey/black wardrobe for winter and layer one thing after the other. I drink lots of herbal teas mostly as an excuse to keep my hands warm. Unfortunately, in the summer I’m usually too hot. My comfortable temperature zone is very slim. 

4. I love lists. 

I used to keep them on a notepad and throw them out when I had finished. Three years ago I started keeping the lists in a notebook and it was life-changing. I now have a dated archive of things that needed to be done and either were or were not completed. Or things I’m thinking about. Or things I’m happy about. And I’m able to look back at it at the end of a year and see a bit of what I’ve has been on my mind. 

5. I’m an ICF certified coach! 

After a year of coach training courses, over 100 hours of coaching, a 3-hour multiple-choice exam, and an evaluated, recorded, transcribed coaching session, I’ve finally received designation as an Associate Certified Coach by the International Coaching Federation. When I signed on to do my coach training, it was important to me to be recognized by an accredited organization. Now that I am coaching, I’m proud of receiving that recognition, but at the same time I’m very happy with the space and practice I’ve created that is uniquely me, regardless of my qualifications. 

6. I just found out that the northern lights might not be as glamorous as I thought. 

One of my dreams is to see the northern lights, but it conflicts with point three in this list: I really don’t like the cold. I dream of being able to go to one of those glamorous lodges where you can see the lights from your bed. Yet, I just heard that they often aren’t as bright as one would expect from the many photos. Thoughts? I’d be curious to know if you’ve experienced the northern lights and what you thought. 

7. I leave books un-read. 

Some people believe this is unspeakable. I think there are just too many good reads out there to push through a less than exciting book. So if I’m not feeling it, I have no qualms about putting down that book and moving on. 

8. I have my own coach that I work with. 

Since 2019 I’ve been working with Toni of Parks Holistic Health. She’s a women’s wellness coach and has been instrumental in helping me figure out my own needs. Most coaches of any type work with other coaches. Some people are surprised by this, but coaching is a practice in curiosity. And being able to continue learning and growing is hard work, which is why it’s so nice to have support in the process. 

9. If I were a food, I’d be bread, butter, and anchovies. 

I was asked this question at a food conference. I choose this combo to represent myself because it’s a pretty simple meal and I’m a fairly simple person. The ingredients aren’t necessarily hard to find, nor are they for everyone’s taste. Yet the combination is filling and satisfying, especially with top-notch ingredients. (I’m dreaming of French butter right now.) 

10. I’m dying to know how you found me. 

My email list is growing and I’m honored. I love hearing from friends and family and knowing that my words are read. I’m also so curious about the people who have found me in this space, and would be happy if you wanted to say hello and share a little about yourself. Maybe not ten things, maybe just three. Or maybe just a hello. 

As always, thanks for sharing your Tuesdays with me. I’m intrigued to see what my mind comes up with for this weekly letter and I hope you are too. I’m feeling the effects of shorter days and colder nights which translates into a need to nest for me. Hope you are working on making yourself warm and cozy, embracing more rest, celebrating daily, and dreaming big! 

Happy Tuesday,



On Balance


Creating Community