Ciao!! I’m Henna

I’m an American living in Sicily, Italy with a love for blue skies, donuts, and people watching. Through powerful questioning, conversation, and mindset shifts, I empower you to create the life you always imagined. You deserve to show up authentically and live a life of purpose and joy.

Working with me supports you in getting: 

  • the clarity to know what you want

  • the confidence to get what you want

  • the inner calm to enjoy what you have

Leave behind self-doubt, continual worrying, pesky what-ifs, and continual people-pleasing. Step into your whole self confidently, calmly, and with ease.

1:1 Coaching

Looking to gain more confidence and clarity in everyday life? Do you feel like you are where you should be, but you have the sensation something is missing? One-on-one sessions will expand your horizons and set you on course for a more fulfilled, intentional life by discovering your vision, values, and abundant possibilities. Start where you are to get to where you want to be. Get on track to live the life you want.

Community Coaching 

So you think you want to hang out with a group of amazing women around the world? Invest in feeling fully confident, curious, and cared for? Community Coaching might just be for you. Weekly sessions take you from scattered to focused and help you tap into the intuition you might not know you have. Embrace your whole self. Sound good?

Written with Love 

My true love language is the written word. I can journal my heart out, write eloquent essays, and find the perfect rhythm when it comes to writing. And while independent reflection is amazing, sometimes it helps to have someone on the other end. This subscription-based plan provides prompts, immediate response, and even more insight into your authentic self. Rewrite your own story, on your terms.

Is this you?

  • You’re frustrated and fed-up at work. You want more freedom or flexibility

  • You see yourself stuck in patterns that leave you drained and exhausted

  • Your mind is continually running in circles and taking you down the dreaded “what-if” spiral

  • You know you want to feel better (healthier, weather, more joyful) but can’t figure out what is missing

  • You are stepping into a new role (mother, wife, manager, entrepreneur) and need support building your identity and daily rituals


Let’s connect:

  • Give your life a better sense of direction and purpose

  • Identify and develop skills and solutions to navigate daily challenges

  • Strengthen your personal and professional relationships

  • Imagine, envision and implement lifetime goals

  • Explore and expand the values you hold in life

  • Grow your business and leadership skills

Only Kind Words

  • “Henna is such a beautiful soul. She is patient, kind, and educated, helping me tackle tough life topics I bring to our sessions. From the second you meet her, you can tell that she truly cares and empathizes. I have been working with her for over a month now and could not be happier with the progress my life has had. Her coaching methods are incredible and ground-breaking.”

    Emily C.

  • “Henna has the gift of making you feel safe in her presence, her caring, thoughtful and organised approach allows me to see clearly during our sessions, and I am left feeling more empowered, inquisitive, and proactive in my week ahead. I feel fully supported by Henna in my journey, she makes me realise that the answers are within me, I just need a helping hand in getting there. I am thankful I found my helping hand.”

    Alice M.

  • “I decided to work with Henna as my coach because her energy is amazing. Throughout the call she is organized, she brings out the best and important parts of me that need to be nurtured and highlighted in terms of goals - personal, career, all of it!”

    Lulu A.